It is with extreme sadness and profound grief that we announce the passing of Ken Stockstill, the founder and guardian of Blueberry Fields. Ken was born in Brawley, California on June 18, 1954. It was there that he discovered his love for farming and gardening. Ken moved to Canada in the mid 1980’s and continued his passion for gardening. This eventually led him to Upper Oakville Shopping Centre where he became the Site Superintendent in 2003. For more than 20 years, Ken maintained and nurtured the gardens at the shopping centre, including our community garden, Blueberry Fields. Ken passed away on June 5, 2023 following a brief but courageous battle with cancer and kidney disease. We love and miss him more than words can say, RIP Papa Stocks. Your legacy lives on in the garden and through your beautiful daughters and granddaughters.